Magamtól eszembe sem jutott volna ilyen ’cipőt’ vegyek, de szponzorrációként kaptam. Az elején nem igazán tudtam, hogy mire, mikor lehet használni: cipő vagy szandál, mindkettő vagy egyik sem?
For myself I did not think to buy this kind of 'shoes' but I got them. In the beggining I didn't know for what and when to use them: are there shoes or sandals, both or neither of them?
Both of them!
For myself I did not think to buy this kind of 'shoes' but I got them. In the beggining I didn't know for what and when to use them: are there shoes or sandals, both or neither of them?
Both of them!
Ha tízes a skála, 5 amit vártam tőle és majdnem 10 amit kaptam.
A Teva Itunda szinte minden terepre alkalmas bármilyen időben, onnantól hogy a hőmérséklet engedi a mezítlábazást. Köves-fás terepen védi a lábujjakat, harmatos fűben vízállóbb mint egy sportcipő, sziklákon meglepően jól tapad, tartja a lábat és elég meleg is.
On the scale of 10 I expected 5 but what I got it's almost 10.
The Teva Itunda suits for all terrain under all weather conditions if the temperature allows. On the rocky terrain they protect the toes, on the dewy grass are suprisingly waterproof, they stick to the boulders, hold the feet and are quite warm.
On the scale of 10 I expected 5 but what I got it's almost 10.
The Teva Itunda suits for all terrain under all weather conditions if the temperature allows. On the rocky terrain they protect the toes, on the dewy grass are suprisingly waterproof, they stick to the boulders, hold the feet and are quite warm.
Külön-külön persze találni nála jobbat: a szandál szellősebb, a futócipő kényelmesebb, a túrabakancs tartja a bokát is, de ha ezeket egyben akarjuk, mert:
- Kres szigetén vagyunk bicajtúrán, és kell valami amiben tudunk tekerni, a sziklás parton sétálni, és még valami, ami a tengeri sünök ellen is véd, úgy hogy a csomagtartón ne nőjön a kupac,
- kajakozás után még vissza kell sétálni-futni-tekerni a kocsihoz
akkor (bocs a reklámszövegért), a Teva Itunda 2-3 az egyben lábbeli.
Separately of course you can find better: the sandals are more airy, the running shoes are more comfortable, the hiking boots hold the ancles as well; but if we want all of these together because:
- we are on a biking tour on the island of Cres and we need one footwear to bike, to walk on the rocky shore, and something against the sea-urchins without having a huge pile on the luggage rack,
- after kayaking we have to walk or run back for the car
than the Teva Itunda is two-three in one footwear (sorry for the radio spot).
Separately of course you can find better: the sandals are more airy, the running shoes are more comfortable, the hiking boots hold the ancles as well; but if we want all of these together because:
- we are on a biking tour on the island of Cres and we need one footwear to bike, to walk on the rocky shore, and something against the sea-urchins without having a huge pile on the luggage rack,
- after kayaking we have to walk or run back for the car
than the Teva Itunda is two-three in one footwear (sorry for the radio spot).
Arról nem is beszélve, hogy ha olyanok a körülmények, hogy már minden átázik, akkor oda ez való!
Except that if the conditions are like that everything would get soaked than the Itunda definietly suits!
Except that if the conditions are like that everything would get soaked than the Itunda definietly suits!